As far as I'm feeling, I'm pretty tired all the time. Being in a car kind of makes me sick (which is kind of funny, because I have NEVER had problems in the car) I'm really sick at night. I was told to take my vitamin at night, and then sleep it off, but it seems like if I take it, even if I am feeling fine after dinner, if I take my vitamin, 20 minutes later I am throwing up. :( I cant sleep through the night either. I usually go to bed at 9. wake up when Rob calls me after work, or gets home. then I fall asleep again until about midnight, and cant sleep for an hour, and then I'm usually up at 7AM. No wonder I usually want a nap at work! ha ha I have pretty much gotten the pattern down for when to eat, and no my limits on when to eat and when to stop eating.
Here are my 5 week Photos (yes, I know, not much to look at, but I wanted to start early with the pictures!)
Holy Mackeral! You are so thin! We need to get together and hang out woman!