I knew I had a cyst, I was also late. I was late the Month before, so I called the doctor to see if we could start another round of permethrin. I took this back in August and it had worked in making me regular. I wanted to start another round so one, I would become regular again, and two, because it would make me start, since that is when cysts go away. This cyst was a lot worse than the one I had in October. I called my doctors office and told them about my suspicions of a cyst, and that I was no longer regular. I asked about the permetrium and they said I would need to do a blood pregnancy test first. I went in on Wednesday 01/25/2012. Was in so much pain that I called into work on Thursday. I hadn't slept well, and moving in Any kind of way was extremely painful. Rob and his brothers went snowboarding and I spent the morning in bed on my heating pad. At about noon the doctors office called me back and told me that I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it. She asked when my last period was, and I found out I would be 5 weeks the following day. I asked if the pain in my side was normal, and I told her that I was in a lot of pain the previous night. She put me on hold and went to talk to the doctor. She came back on the line and said they had scheduled an ultrasound for 2:30. They gave me the information on where the apt was. I tried just lying down until it was time to go to the apt. I was freaking out. I couldn't stop shaking. I wished rob was home so he could go to this apt with me, but with him up in the mountains I had no way to get a hold of him. When I got to the apt, I filled out the paperwork, downed one more bottle of water to ensure I had a full bladder (as if me going to the bathroom 100 times that day and the day before) I laid down on the table, and the tech was super nice. She explained what she was looking for, and what everything was as it came up on the screen. She found the cyst immediately. I said "oh great, there it is." She asked what I meant and I told her that this was my 2nd cyst. She explained to me that seeing the cyst was a good sign, since the doctor thought the pains in my side could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. (thank you doctor for not telling me that on the phone or I would have freaked out even more) she then explained that she couldnt see anything in my uterus, but that I shouldn't worry, since I was early, that was normal. She then explained that she wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound, because through that, they maybe able to see the sac. As I changed, I was completely nervous and wished rob was with me, but I also thought it would be awesome to tell rob I was pregnant with a picture as proof. We did the ultrasound, and sure enough we saw a sac!! It was tiny, and just a little black sac (about 50 times smaller than the cyst by the way) I asked the tech if I could get a Picture of Both the cyst, and the sac that was going to be the home of our baby for the next 8 months) when I got home, I got robs present together, and divised my plan for telling him. (Almost 2 years ago, when I was shopping with robs mom and sister, we were at carters, and I found a little onsie that was baseball pinstripe, and said daddy's all star, and a baseball on the bum. I couldn't help it, I had to buy it. I put it away and prayed rob would never find it. Robs sister Kim also got us some dodger binkies when we were in cali back in June. I put those in a gift bag.) I took nap, and then when rob got home from snowboarding, and the boys went home. I was looking at the cyst picture and he asked what it was. I told him what it was and we talked about it a little bit. After that, he was putting his snowboard stuff away and when he went back into the living room, I took him the present, and had the baby ultrasound in my hand. He asked what it was, and who it was from. I told him to open it. He did, and seemed rather confused, so I gave him the picture, and told him what it was. He was silent for about 5 minutes and then said something like "s@&$, are we really having a baby?" I told him yes. I gave him a few minutes to let it settle in, and then he asked questions like "what does it mean with the cyst" "is it safe" "where are you due?" etc. Throughout the night, I kept asking rob how he was doing. He didn't think it seems real.
Now, to answer a few questions you may be having.
As of right now, I am due september 28, 2012.
As far as the cyst goes, they are not overly worried, they said I am in more pain this time, because the cyst is bigger than last time, and my uterus is growing, so there is more pain. But the cyst should pop or go away on its own. It will be painful, but it shouldn't effect the baby.
All in all, I am semi overwhelmed, and extremely greatful for this opportunity. I'm excited to welcome our baby into this world!!
As for how I've been feeling, very tired, I don't sleep through the night due to constant bathroom interruptions. I feel naseaus throughout the day, and it's the worst at night. I can't seem to keep dinner and my vitamin down.
Rob and I have nicknamed the baby our "bean" since the sac looks like a bean. I will upload the ultrasound picture but I can't do it on the iPad.
Rob and I got to go last thursday feb 2 to another ultrasound to check on both the cyst and the baby. Nothing has changed with the cyst. It's still the same size. Hopefully it goes away soon. We also got to see our little beans heartbeat! It was 108 bpm and going strong. It was such a cool thing to see and I can't wait to see our little bean grow!!!!